Season Guide


There are only tow ways to live:

out of tune with everything that truly matters, or in alignment with our True Nature.

And it makes all the difference.


In a world obsessed with productivity and constant forward motion, the slow, dark, contemplative energy that Winter brings feels inconvenient.

But Wintertime, as everything else in Nature, has a purpose; this is the most important time of the year for your regeneration. It offers powerful support for you to renew your health, rejuvenate your body, and set an aligned new foundation for the coming cycle.

The trouble is, the tempo of modern life doesn’t accommodate what Wither is asking of you in return: to slow down, rest, protect your energy, nurture yourself and yes, hide from the world for a bit.

This guide is here to show you how YOU can accommodate it.

Modern or not, it’s YOUR Life. And you get to enjoy in all the treasures Winter brings.

what's inside:


An introduction into the Magical world of Natural Alignment, where all your potentials live.


Everything you need to align yourself with the energy of Winter, so that you can use this time to recharge.


A powerful Winter Solstice ritual that will help you set the intentions and the energy for the year ahead. 


A list of all of the highlights and energy shifts to be mindful of this Winter.


Invitations for you to keep exploring what becomes possible for you when you switch to a new paradigm...

One that you were actually built for!

Start living a Life that is

True to Your Nature.

This guide is te perfect first step.


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