your self-assessment result:

The seed of change has been sown

On the surface, your life ticks all the right boxes, but you feel disconnected from it, as if it’s some kind of a coincidence, not a conscious choice of yours. Your current reality feels underwhelming and unfulfilling, and that makes it difficult to find the motivation to keep it up. Perhaps you also feel like you don't really belong in this world. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you know one thing: there just has to be more to Life than this.

The frustrating thing is, you have no idea what that more is, or how to get there from where you are right now.

Here’s the good news: you, my dear, have arrived at a choice point your journey. This awareness that there is more, together with your increasing unwillingness to keep up with the current status quo, are beginning to open you up for some fantastic possibilities that were never available to you before. All you have to do is to follow that inner voice…

You enter this phase of the journey when you acknowledge that there is much more to the objective reality we live in than there appears to be. This can happen in different ways, at different levels. Sometimes, it’s very obvious; an entrenched realist gets into an accident and has a near-death experience that changes everything for him, because he can no longer deny his true infinite nature. Other times, it is so subtle you might not even notice the shift.

But how you got here doesn’t matter. What does matter is that the seed has been sown, and once sown, a seed does not lie in the soil idle. Depending on the quality of the soil, which in this case is a metaphor for your inner and outer environment, the time required for the seed to take root might vary. However, you can no longer pluck it out. It has been planted, and your world is bound to change as a result.

If we were to apply the four stages of learning to your journey, you currently find yourself switching from unconscious incompetence into conscious incompetence. Meaning, up until this point, you have likely existed in a state or ignorance (albeit not proverbially blissful), taking the “objective” reality at face value, never or rarely questioning anything that the “authorities” present as the only possible truth. You didn’t know about everything that you don’t know, nor did you wonder about it.

Now, for whatever the reason is in your case, you are beginning to discover that some things are not as they appear to be. That many of them aren’t true, or at least they do not feel true to you. While that might be quite unnerving at the initial stages, as your uprooted Ego struggles to find something it could keep holding on to, rethinking your model of the world also opens you up to possibilities you have never considered before, possibilities that never appeared to be available to you until now, simply because you were not aware of them—because you were taught to believe they were impossible. But how could there be such a thing as an impossible possibility?

At the moment, you likely haven’t noticed anything much changing, except for a peculiar sensation of wonder and curiosity about what might be true and possible taking over you. A sensation that feels a lit like hope, but it’s really a premonition of your new Life—what that is filled with everything that your heart yearns for.

You, Beautiful, are in for an incredible journey!

But I’ll be honest: although it’s worth it a thousand times over, this is the most challenging journey you’ve ever embarked on. As it unfolds, a time will come—soon, if it hasn’t come yet—when it’ll feel like your old life is collapsing like a house of cards.

And that’s a good thing. It’s a way of making space for all the good that is coming. But as you go through it, it’s imperative that you keep yourself grounded and supported, or it’ll feel like someone just pulled the floor from under your feet, and you might not feel like getting up again.

Now, without any further ado, here are some tools and practices that’ll make all the difference during this turbulent period, if you manage to integrate them into your life:

Action Steps


What’s frustrating about this stage of the journey is that even though you already know that your current reality is no longer working for you, you don’t yet have a clear Vision of what you desire your New Life to be, so the best thing you can do right now is to follow your curiosity.

Chances are that up until now, you mostly did the things you thought you were supposed to do, they way you thought you were supposed to do them. Now it is finally time to give yourself permission to do the things you feel like doing, and figure out the way to do them as you go.

Therefore, allow yourself to see the world through the eyes of a child again. Do not limit yourself. Take an interest in things you have long ago decided were not for you, give everything another chance, see how it makes you feel. Ask questions until everyone around you runs out of answers, and then ask some more, because questions will lead your way into the unknown and open you up to receiving.

Books, documentaries, courses, workshops, travel, meditations, explorations of any sort… Use your imagination, and all your senses. When something piques your interest, give it a try, and move on if it turns out not to be the next right thing for you. Keep going. It is though this exploration of untapped possibilities that you will begin to discover your true Self.


This step is just as easy and straightforward as it sounds. At the stage of the journey you are currently at, where you are only just beginning to rethink everything you thought you knew and opening yourself up to the unknown, and interesting clash of two entirely different realities is bound to occur.

On one hand, the Universe, thrilled about your (re)discovered capacity to perceive the Magic in everything around you, will be eager to serve you with a multiplied dose of all the supposedly impossible things you have been missing out on until now. Thinking back on when I was at this stage, I can’t help but smile at everything the Universe had to come up with in order to demonstrate to me that Magic was, indeed, real.

On the other hand, your rational mind, strongly supported by the Ego, will do anything and everything to convince you that none of it is real. Why? Because it threatens your model of the world, your sense of security nested in your illusion of security, and everything that the Ego is trying to hold on to.

Therefore, grab a journal or a notebook and write down every single incredible, impossible, miraculous, Magical thing that happens to you, and refer to it every time the mind attempts to convince you none of it is real. Remember—

“There are only two ways to live your life.One is as though nothing is a miracle.The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein



The reason we often feel so lost in our own life, the reason we forget who we truly are and what we came here to do, is because the lives we live are so deeply disconnected from the true essence of who we are.

The modern tempo with all its distractions and constant stimuli requires you to scatter your attention and your energy all over the place, making it next to impossible to stay centered and focused on the things that truly matter.

Nature, which we are belong to, is the exact opposite of the life we are all being pushed into living. Its peaceful tranquility that allows it to retain a sense of serenity and order even when it breaks out into a storm works like a Magical portal that always puts you back into you center and allows you to reconnect with who you truly are.

Summing up:

You, just as everyone else, have your own Path to walk. It will inevitably lead you to discover treasures you have never even dreamt of, secrets many have struggled to conceal, possibilities so fantastic they will shake you to the core and keep you awake at night, unable to stifle the excitement and the desire to learn more, do more, be more.

Because you really were meant for so much more than this.


You're not alone!

Your Path is entirely unique, but it's meant to cross with so many others. There are people out there you were destined to share a part of the journey with; people that will love you, guide you and support you along the way.

It's my Mission to bring us together, so that we may share parts of our journeys with one another.

I would be honored to share it with you.

If you'd like to find out more about my offerings based on your unique quiz results, fill out the form below, and I'll reach out to you with some personalized suggestions.

Untamed love, 




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