The Feminine Mystery:

Stepping into your Feminine Power

I’ve been observing something for a long time now, and I wonder if you’ve noticed it, too?

Us women, we make so many things really difficult for ourselves.

It’s not on purpose. We do it because we have been taught to do everything in life according to the masculine principle — which the world that we live in is built on.

But this way of functioning is not just completely un-Natural for us as women (and even for men, to a point) — it’s also toxic and counterproductive, so I say: Enough!

There is too much unused potential hidden in the depths of our suppressed Feminine Power. We’ve been pushing through the masculine way for far too long now, wearing ourselves out in the process… Don’t you agree?

It’s time to change that. And it all starts here.

Step 1? Find out where you’re currently at, and then step 2 will reveal itself to you. Ready?

Feminine Mystery


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