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4 Lessons - Easy

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Shift to the Cyclical Time Paradigm and get all your time back in less than 60 minutes!

4 Lessons - Easy

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Get all your time back in less than 60 minutes.

1 Lesson - None

Not started

Wonder Woman: A Journey into the Magic of You is an intimate Master♡ Experience where we return to the Wisdom of your body, liberate you form the rules of linear time, unleash your Feminine Creation Power, and come together as a Community of Soul Sisters who's here to shift the paradigm and change the world.

5 Lessons - Intermediate

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A 7-day guided journey to balancing, cleansing, activating and harmonizing your chakras and your hormones, for a radiant, energized, rejuvenated you.

2 Lessons - Intermediate

Not started

The Cyclical Goddess: Awakening is a 4-week activation journey through your 4 Inner Seasons.

Once the Cyclical Goddess within you awakens, you’ll:

- Move through your days without feeling pressured — and still get it all done.
- Take time for rest and self-care, guilt free — and find that you do have time.
- Get in touch with your true Desires and priorities, and let go of the draining fluff.
- Experience a surge in your energy levels, your overall health and wellbeing.
- Start loving and appreciating the brilliance of your body in a whole new way.
- Activate your ability to Love &

Live Life more fully than ever before.
Awakening your Cyclical Goddess is the first step to living a Life that is true to your Nature.

1 Lesson - Easy

Not started

What if this year, your spring cleaning was more than just… cleaning?
What is you used the — somewhat gnarly, yet extremely rewarding — process of scraping your house clean as a way of giving yourself a thorough energetic cleanse, as well?
And what if you emerged out of now just with a clean home, but an energetically cleansed, supportive space that’s perfectly aligned with whom you are becoming?
What if it gave you a feeling of lightness, possibility and expansion, and a sense of clarity, direction and Purpose about your next steps in Life?
Would you roll up your sleeves now?

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