
By Aja


You, Untamed

Living your Highest Potential

A 1:1 journey that takes us deep into the mysteries of your unique energetic design, unlocking your Power to create the Life you were meant for.


Wonder Woman

An intimate journey into the Magic of You.

A sacred space for your growth & expansion, a community of Soul Sisters, and a real-time experience of the Wonder of living in Natural Alignment.


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman: A Journey into the Magic of You is a 12-month MasterHeart Experience of the transformative Magic of living in Natural Alignment, real-time guidance through the Earthly & Cosmic Cycles, and the power of a Soul Sister Community.

You, Untamed

You, Untamed: Living Your Highest Potential is a 6-month 1:1 mentorship program designed to dive deep into the intricacies of your unique energetic design, and emerge with your own Soul Path roadmap to success, Purpose and fulfillment.

Presentation slides

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