
By Aja

Hey there, and welcome!

I know this is a mini course, but I have a lot to say, and I know you’re here because you don't have a lot of time, so let’s just get to it!

So basically, we’re here to shift to a different time paradigm where the perpetual lack of time, the stress of having way too much on your plate and the drama of always running late for something become a thing of the past.

Most importantly: When you switch to this time paradigm, you no longer constantly feel guilty about everything you do or don't do.

I don't know about you, but for me, my friends and the women I work with that's (or was) a constant struggle: you just can't win. You feel guilty for not taking better care of yourself, then you finally take some time for you and immediately feel guilty for not taking care of everyone and everything else.


But before we get into the exact tips and steps to follow in the next two lessons, I’d like to dedicate this one to giving you an understanding of WHY exactly would you even want to switch your time paradigm and Why what I’m about to suggest works.

We need to talk about this first because what you're about to discover in this training is a little out there. It goes against pretty much everything you've ever learned, and all your behavioral programing. So trust me, your mind is going to want to fight it, and unless we blow it a little in this introductory lesson, it won’t want you to follow through on all of the rest.

So, let's start with why this new time paradigm works better for you than your current one:


The way us modern humans live our life is completely at odds with how we were designed to function.

We try to live in a state of perpetual inhale - more, more, more, take it all in. It creates tremendous pressure, and we never allow ourselves the relief of an exhale. Oz just doesn't work that way. Do it long enough, you'll explode.

Everything else in Nature, including Earth herself, naturally follows every inhale with an exhale.

But us, modern humans? We've created this false ideal of consistency that is supposed to bring us desired results. And sometimes it does. In the old paradigm it Actually worked quite well when it came to the achievement of your goals - but at what cost?

Everything in Nature is designed to change and evolve. Constantly. It's consistently inconsistent, and mostly unpredictable. It all spins in cycles, yes, but look closely, and you'll see that every Cycle is unique. Most importantly - cycles are curves, not the straight lines and rules we humans try to follow.

Also, Nature doesn't favor positivity. There's no good and bad. Nature doesn't see rainy days "as bad weather". All is a part of it, and all is necessary, even if our limited minds fail to understand it.

We fail to understand that in Life, we also need it all, and that much like rain for a natural habitat, we need those, negative, dark, down times for out growth.

That's as true at the physical level as it is at the metaphysical. Growth hormone is only produced during deep rest. You can only grow as a person - or as a Soul - when you give yourself the down time to integrate your Earthly lessons.

And so, this strive for consistency is destroying our health, because the only time when we heal - that's actually what growth hormone does, it repairs your body from the inside - is the time that we have labeled as lazy and unproductive.

"I'll rest when I'm dead!"
Really? The that might be sooner than you think.


Another aspect: time.

Because before we start complaining about our health and exhaustion, we always complain about how we don't have enough time for everything. Certainly not for rest.

How there are never enough hours in a day.

And here's a fact: you can't put more hours into a day - but that doesn't matter, because this western modern perception of time is completely arbitrary.

We made it up so that the systems we live in can function, because we're all running on the same clock.

But a clock knows nothing about your body. It knows nothing about the Seasons, let alone your unique energetic design or the needs of your hormonal system.

Clock stress us out. Period.

Stress is the number one killer in the modern world - which brings me right back to everything we just talked about.

All the time stress we experience today is due to the Linear Time Paradigm that the Western world is so hung up on.

But that's only one way in which we can choose to experience time. There are at least two others:


So, one the Linear Time that we just talked about and is pretty much all any of us knows today.

Then there is Cyclial Time, where the time is measured with Natural Cycles, rather than clocks and calendars. That's the TIME paradigm on which our ancestors have lived since the beginning of time, and the paradigm that our bodies are built for.

And then there is Spherical Time, in which all timelines and realities exist simultaneously. That's a paradigm we gain access to as we become spiritually more evolved and begin to identify more with our Soul than with our body and our Earthly personality.

This latter is fascinating, but it's also quite out there, especially when we're firmly rooted in the Linear paradigm, so in this course, we'll only focus on Cyclical Time.


In the following two lessons, I'll walk you through my framework of Natural Alignment and the two types of Natural Cycles we can attune ourselves to begin shifting into a Cyclical Time Paradigm:

Earthy Cycles and Cosmic Cycles.

See, Natural Alignment is my proprietary framework for returning to the Wisdom of the Body and the calling of the Soul.

You might notice we’re missing a member of the trinity: the Mind. I’m not underplaying the importance of the mind. It’s a magnificent tool! But most of our problems - like stress, overwhelm and dis-ease - come from the fact that we’re living our lives only from the mind, ignoring the body and the soul.

So we won’t be talking about the mind here. It’s already inevitably involved. Perhaps the only thing to say about it is: open it, because if you enter this training with a closed mind, you won't get much out of it.

So, the Body and the Soul.

How do you return to the Wisdom of your Body? With the help of Mother Earth. That’s the first lesson.

How do you return to the calling of your Soul? With he help of Father Sky. You know, it’s written in the starts. That’s the second lesson.

Of course, it’s not all black and white, I’m simplifying it because the mind likes that. As long as the mind feels like it can follow, it will allow you to play along.

So now you understand why Cyclical Time is the better, kinder, more aligned paradigm for you and any other human being than the Linear time we're been enslaved by.


Now, let's talk about how making this shift changes your life, or WHY would you even want to shift to a Cyclical Time Paradigm?

Perhaps a question to start with is: How's the linear paradigm treating you?

The constant lack of time, the stress, the guilt about not being more productive, the perpetual exhaustion, the health issues, the constantly shitty mood that's affecting all your relationships...

Those are all direct consequences of living in a linear time paradigm.

Now, the answer - or the excuse - I always get when I suggest switching to a Rhythm that is kinder to our bodies, honoring its need for rest and the downtime that we, as human beings, require, is:

I can't.
My job doesn't allow it.
I have way too much going on right now.

I see that.
I respect that.
I deeply understand that - because I was there, too.

And that's the exactly the reason why I'm telling you to do it.

Let me ask you - and please - be honest with yourself here, there's nobody else to fool:

How long have you been waiting for "things to come down", for "this project to be over" or for "the kids to get a little bigger" before you "have the time" and allow yourself to live your Life the way you actually want to live it?

Because here's the thing: If you're happy with the pace of your life, if you have more than enough time for everything and everyone you love, you're healthy, abundant and at peace - please, go spend your precious time on something else, you don't need this course. Email me, I'll give you your money back.

But if you are done waiting for retirement before you can have take your Life back - and guess what? Pensioners are some of the busiest people I know - then it's time for you to step up and take responsibility for the way in which you are choosing to experience time.

Because yes, it's a choice. Everything in Life is a choice.

By the way - I write about this journey of re-discovery of that higher, Wiser part of yourself in my first book, Ascending the Spiral. It also explains this notion of how we’re always moving in cycles, not in a straight line.

So stop waiting!

The system isn't going to change. Not by itself, anyway. You won't just magically wake up into a new era in which time stress won't exist anymore - UNLESS you start changing the system. Unless you start shifting your Time Paradigm.

Well, actually, what do just said is not entirely true...

And now I'll tell you something I wasn't planning on telling you here, but it's hard for me to hold back, so here goes: It might sound a little out there to your mind, so try to listen with your body, and feel it's reaction. For me, tingles down my spine and goosebumps are always a way to know when something is true for me, but you might get different sensations.

So -

As a civilization, we actually ARE moving into a new era where the Cyclical Time Paradigm is the dominant one - again. An era ruled by the Feminine, not the Masculine - and this is not about men and women. I can't get into that here, but it's all in my book, The Feminine Mystery, if you want to explore it.

This shift is happening because the Earth herself is transitioning into a new, higher frequency - some call it 5D reality. This transition comes with a lot of shifts in our current 3D reality. Our bodies and our minds are changing, we're unlocking greater spiritual capacities. As a result, the old systems and even structures are beginning to crumble. Linear Time Paradigm is only one of those things that are becoming Increasingly misaligned.

Why is that important for you to understand?

Because of you keep insisting on doing things the old way, you'll destroy yourself.

The hustle, the grind, the insistence on toxic consistency, pushing through our boundaries - it used to work. It did! In the old paradigm, you were rewarded for it. It was THE way to make your Dreams come true.

BUT - It's not working anymore. Not like it used to.

In the new paradigm, this way of functioning will kill you. You'll burn out, your body will succumb. Think about it, burnout wasn't even a thing a few years ago, now it's like the modern plague. And it's not because people are pushing themselves harder today than 10 years ago. It's because we're different. We're changing to align with what's coming next.

When I say this, survival fear kicks in. But how will I make money, how will I survive if I can't be as productive as I have been? I'm. Have some much I need to do!

Except - this shift is here to teach is that there's a far more sustainable, and also far more abundant way to live.

Which leads me to another thing about this new paradigm: it demands that you are in alignment with your True Nature - hence my slogan, True to your Nature.

At some point, if not already, you'll find yourself unable to keep doing what you've been doing, for whatever reason. If you don't listen to the subtle feedback, life will get increasingly uncomfortable. Unbearable. You'll even get sick of that's what it takes for you to realize it's time for a change.

But when you choose to move towards your Soul's true calling, you will be rewarded. Things will just fall in your lap and unfold in ways that make no logical sense. Time will stretch to accommodate your Dreams. You'll get access to infinite supplies of energy. It'll feel like Magic - as long as you are true to your Nature.

If you have no idea what your Soul's True Calling is, don't worry. You'll be a lot closet to it at the end of this training, and then if you'll want more, that's what my Mentorship and Master🤍 are for.

But for now, just start making the shift with what's in here.

In the next two lessons, you'll get a 100+ practical ideas on how to start making tiny changes right now. Today. Nobody expects you to shift your entire paradigm within the next 30 minutes, but get started, because all these little changes, they add up. Soon, you find yourself more there than here, and that's where Life starts getting really f*ING Magical.

Like, for instance, I wrote and published my last book in less than a month, without changing my life at all. Meaning, I didn't run away somewhere and hide from the world for a month. I’m a mama of two stay-at-home girls, I’m lucky when I get get to pee in private.


Which reminds me, I didn't introduce myself - I’m an Earthworker, creatress of the Natural Alignment method, author, mother and mentor to paradigm-shifting women who know that fully living their Life on their own terms is a service to Humanity.

A few years go, I was living on a city I hated, working crazy hours at job I dreaded, trapped in a co-dependent, passionless, passive-aggresive relationship, and stuck in a body that was failing me.

Fast forward to today (thanks to my Saturn return, I guess) I have two beautiful girls with my high school sweetheart, him who always felt was “the one who got away”; we alternate between living in a lovely wooden cottage in the woods and traveling through Europe in a motor home; and I run a business that lights up my heart while it makes this world a little kinder, in its own unique way. That’s MY way of being true to My Nature.

Now, let’s find yours.


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