Awakening to Infinite Possibilities

As magnificent as the idea of awakening might seem to be, finding yourself at this stage of the journey comes with a word of caution; while awakening to your true Self is indeed one of the most exhilarating experiences you will ever go through, it isn't easy, because it requires you to let go of everything that is familiar and courageously venture into the new Life that awaits.

You have likely been rethinking your reality and questioning the things you have always regarded as unquestionable for quite some time now, opening the doors to some fantastic possibilities you have never tapped into before, and realizing just how much is truly available to you. However, up until now, everything was more or less a theoretical exploration. Awakening requires you to do something about it.

See, when you begin to awaken to who you really are and what you truly came here to do, which is the stage of the journey you are currently at, merely knowing something and not doing anything about it becomes pretty much unbearable. In fact, everything about your life might feel more or less unbearable right now, but chances are you do not have a very clear idea what to do about it.

Your journey up until this point consisted of overcoming the level or unconscious incompetence and becoming consciously incompetent. Meaning, you have come to realize there are so many things you did not know, and you have consciously embarked on a quest of changing that.

However, you cannot hope to reach the next level, that of conscious competence, without your willingness to take what you have learnt so far and take action on it. At this point, you have to start doing things differently, get out of the familiar confines of your comfort zone, face your fears and put some effort into what you now know to be theoretically possible, but have not actually experienced it.

Because without the experience, what good does knowing about something do you? How much sense would it make to read books and watch shows about how to bake the best chocolate cake in the whole wide world without ever actually attempting to make it? Yes, you might end up making a royal mess of your kitchen the first time around. In fact, you might mess up repeatedly. But are you really willing to go on your whole life dreaming about that cake while eating dry bread and doing nothing about it?

It's time, beautiful. You have made it past the point where theory was enough. You are already so close to everything you have always dreamt of, but you still have to let go of all the fears and limiting beliefs that have been keeping you stuck and wondering how you might ever get there.

You are beginning to understand that your Truth is all that matters, because that is all there truly is.



As you work your way closer and closer to who you truly are, certain things that might have appeared to work for you thus far will work no longer, and you will no longer be neither willing nor able to keep them up. In fact, you are probably feeling like that right now about at least one aspect of your life, but you do not know what to do about it. There is a certain fear keeping you tied to your currently reality, while your heart is seemingly already living a dream life of its own.

And while it is often frustrating when you are not seeing any of it reflected in your material reality, that dream life is your compass. Its pointing you towards where you were truly meant to go, showing you who you were truly meant to be.

See, dreams are true, much truer than our “objective” material reality, because in your dreams, you know your Truth. And that is crucial in order for you to let go of what has been holding you back and move on with your life in a direction that is aligned with your Soul’s purpose.

Get very clear on what your Truth is. Write it down, put it on a vision board, make a mind movie of it, and make sure you revisit that dream as often as you can, getting fully immersed in what it feels like to have it materialized. And in “real” life, go after whatever feels like how you are feeling when you are in that dream, and start letting go of everything that doesn’t.


This step is just as easy and straightforward as it sounds. At the stage of the journey you are currently at, awaking to the infinite possibilities you have available to you, you might often find yourself feeling frustrated because you do not see all these possibilities actually materializing, or at least not quite as fast as you would like them to.

That makes it easy to neglect all the beautiful things that are already available to you, here, now, and always, which puts you into a state of being that is entirely at odds with who you truly are and what you are trying to create as your Life. Instead of radiating abundance, focusing on what you are lacking inevitably creates more lack.

To make sure you remain energetically congruent and keep attracting the right things, people and circumstances into your life, there is nothing you could do that is quite as powerful as consciously practicing gratitude.

May gratitude be the first thing you feel when you open your eyes in the morning, and the last one you feel when you close them again in the evening.

Therefore, grab a journal or a notebook, and make a habit out of writing down every single thing you are grateful for in your life on a daily basis, be it the people you love, the experience you’ve had, or merely just the fact that you are alive right now. Remember—

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
-Eckhart Tolle

Turn to nature

This one might seem a little less obvious than a gratitude journal, but it is just as powerful. See, the reason we often feel so lost in our own life, the reason we forget who we truly are and what we came here to do, is because the lives we live are do deeply disconnected from the true essence of who we are.

The modern tempo with all its distractions and constant stimuli requires you to scatter your attention and your energy all over the place, making it next to impossible to stay centered and focused on the things that truly matter.

Nature, which we are belong to, is the exact opposite of the life we are all being pushed into living. Its peaceful tranquility that allows it to retain a sense of serenity and order even when it breaks out into a storm works like a Magical portal that always puts you back into you center and allows you to reconnect with who you truly are.

Regardless of the stage of the journey you are at now, it is important you know that it never ends.
There is no final point, no ultimate goal that would bring your exploration to an end.
You might now be at a stage at which you are consciously creating your dream life, but something might happen tomorrow that changes your circumstances, forcing you to rethink your new reality and re-awaken to your new, evolved self all over again.
That might seem frustrating at a first glance, but it really is what makes Life magnificently beautiful.
Remember, the journey is always a spiral, never a straight line.
At every step of the way, know that you have already been here before, albeit on a different loop in the Spiral.
You got this; somewhere deep down, you already know what your next step is.

(re)discover yourself

However, if your next step seems blurry to you, if you are not quite sure where to turn or you feel like some guidance would be something you would benefit form at this moment in time, I warmly invite you to consider the possibility of booking a 1-on-1 session with me.

In an private setting, we dive much deeper into your current situation and your next right step based not only on the results of this assessment or whatever you feel is particularly important to you right now, but on what is going on in your energy field. I use a breakthrough technology based on ancient wisdom that has a Magical ability to capture what is going on with you energetically, so that we can explore and remove the blockages that have been preventing you from living up to your fullest potential.

Want more?

If you feel like you would like to expand on the result of the quiz, the most obvious places to start is my book, Ascending the Spiral of Life. In it, you’ll find in-depth explorations of different stages of the journey, which will help you pinpoint and move beyond everything that has been keeping you stuck. The book will also provide you with additional, very specific inspired actions you can take in order to actually experience the positive change that is possible for you, instead of merely just thinking about it.


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