Stop spinning in circles...


Do you ever feel like you’re spinning in circles?

The spinning gets faster and faster, you get evermore exhausted… But nothing changes?

Here’s the good news:
That’s NOT how you were meant to be living your Life.
This circular motion? It’s supposed to be taking you higher, like ascending an endless spiral staircase—not making you nauseous.

But how do you switch into a gear that gets you were you desire to go?
That turns you into the person you were destined to become?

 Would you be willing to entertain the possibility that everything you thought you knew is… a lie?

If you feel like there has to be more to life, it’s because there is.

- Life isn’t meant to be all flowers and rainbows, and there are certain things you just cannot change.

- If you want to make a good life for yourself, get a degree. It can be whatever you want, as long as it’s respectable.

- You have to work hard and make sacrifices for what you desire, because the good things in life aren’t cheap.

- You’ll know you’ve succeeded when you have a reliable job with a steady paycheck, a nice house, a car, and a family.

“What about my Dreams?” you might ask.

Sure, you should strive to achieve your Dreams, just make sure they’re socially acceptable in line with everybody else’s. You know, not whatever weird, crazy thing your heart is yearning for.


Here's the thing:

You’ve been brought up to buy into countless lies that are now preventing you from living your Dreams.

Are you ready to stop spinning in circles and ascend into the limitlessness of all that you are?

"Growing up is nothing but a process of gradually burying and suffocating who you truly are with the things you believe will make you whom you are supposed to be."
a glimpse into the story of

How this book came to be

I had a Magical childhood. Not that there was anything unusually extraordinary about it, but it was permeated with a sense of wonder and awe-inspiring possibilities everywhere I turned; a sensation to child is a stranger to.

Not yet having had the time to learn about everything that wasn’t supposed to exist in this reality, and being too little for the people to rain all over my “impossible” Dreams, all I knew, from my own experience, that things existed on this beautiful Earth that rational explanations could not uphold, and no laws governed—but that didn’t make them any less real to me.

Years passed, and adulthood, or at least that's what I thought it was, kept crushing the bubbles of Magic that occasionally reappeared.

I kept doing all the right things. The perfect grades, the degrees, a job, a relationship. I even moved abroad, which has always been a Dream of mine. None of it felt right, though—I was sick, exhausted, and completely dead inside—but I just assumed it was what adulthood feels like.

Then one day, out of the blue—quite literally, because the one thing I remember vividly about that moment is the intense blue color of the sky—and only for a fleeting moment, I felt like myself again.

It was a feeling I had almost forgotten, but I felt so alive, so joyful, so … Free. I still don’t know what provoked it. It was a mere glimpse of something long forgotten.

But it changed everything.

Hey,I'm Jaya.

What happened afterwards is the reason I wrote this book.

It was as if that fleeting moment snapped me back into alignment. I stopped doing what I thought were the right things to do and started listening to that refreshingly irrational voice inside of me again.

Within a year of that rooftop moment:

  • I quit the job that made me dread getting out of bed in the morning;
  • I did an intensive yoga teacher training to give myself the space to heal and further align with my Self;
  • I moved back home, out of the city that was poisoning my body and Soul, and back into Mama Nature’s loving embrace;
  • I ended an 8-year relationship that was supposed to be forever;
    and serendipitously found my way back to the one I’ve archived under ‘the love of my life’ half a lifetime ago.

Today, my beautiful family is a source of constant inspiration to me, I’m surrounded with people I love and admire, I lead a creative Life that is my business, and I wake up every morning excited about the day ahead.(I know, I never would have thought it either, but it actually is possible.)

I’m living my Dream.

Are you ready to start living yours?

Even though it reveals the story of how it all unfolded for me, this book is not about my personal journey.

It’s about anyone willing to be shaken into the realization that there is so much more to Life than what the “objective reality” will allow you to believe.

The truth is, we’re born wise—and then we forget.

That’s why the journey from the lies you’ve bought to the Life of your Dreams is all about unlearning all the disempowering things you’ve picked up on the path to adulthood and going back to what you’ve always known—to become whom you were always destined to be.

It seems counterintuitive, but it is indeed the beautiful paradox of the human game we came here to play…

And this book shows you how to play that game.

The game is a Journey in 3 parts:


And everything you thought you knew about this world, your life, and even yourself is… Not quite so.

That's unnerving, at first. But it also opens up a whole array of possibilities that aren’t available to you until you begin to wake up from the illusion and recognize the lies you’ve built your life on.


Embracing a new reality requires you to break free from the old and let go of everything that’s no longer working for you.

Your own comfort zone becomes uncomfortable, all your views are challenged, and you have to start actively working on ridding yourself or all the mental and emotional clutter you’ve accumulated.


There is nothing stopping you from living your Truth anymore.
You’ve embraced all parts of yourself, and you own your inherent value wholeheartedly, and you attract abundance with ease.
You’ve recognized what a Gift you are to the world.
Your Vision is clear, your actions intentional—driven by
Purpose and Love.

But that's just theory...

Here’s what Ascending the Spiral is really about:

When I decided to write this book—and it was one of those spur-of-an-emotional-moment, irrational decisions that catapult you so far out of your comfort zone you have to grasp for air, and alter the course of your life forever (which I’ll return to in a second)—I had only one intention:

To push all your buttons until finding the switch that changes everything.    

In fact, I was going to call it The Golden Nuggets or Consciousness, because that’s exactly what it was intended to be: a complete collection of knowledge, wisdom and awareness powerful enough to forever change the way in which you perceive the world.

  • Page 18 asks an uncomfortable question we’d all prefer to hide away from and never answer; but when you have the courage to face it, it’ll motivate you to finally start changing what you know isn’t working.
  • In Chapter 1, I reveal the grand disempowering illusion we’ve been taught to perceive as “objective reality”, and share how reality is really created.
  • On page 32, I delve into the premises of quantum physics and all the ways in which understanding its laws (that have nothing to do with what you’ve learned as physics) empowers you to take control over your own life.
  • On page 36, I share how to be unlimited by time and space.
  • On pages 43-46, I give you two (apprentice and master level) recipes to immediately start creating your own reality.
  • In Subchapter 1.2, I expose the three illusionists none of us had escaped, speak about how they smashed your capacity to create the life of your Dreams, and give suggestions on how to reclaim it.
  • In Chapter 2, I introduce you to your falsified self and your two primary misidentifications.
  • On page 78, I reveal the one thing that takes away your Ego’s ability to run and control your life.
  • Pages 86-88 list the Ego’s favorite self-preservation and self-enhancement techniques, so that you can recognize them, call them out, and stay in charge of your Life.
  • Page 100 reveals unpopular the uncomfortable, yet empowering truth about dis-ease, so that you’ll never have to try to figure out what’s wrong with you again
  • On page 105, I share why raw willpower is never enough to create lasting change, and what you truly need instead if you wish to thrive, not merely survive.
  • Chapter 3 is about breaking free form everything that’s familiar and setting out into the unknown—and about the strategies of overcoming the terror of doing so.
  • On pages 134-136, I break down the 4 types of intuition, to help you recognize and begin to trust your own unique superpower
  • On page 141, I drew a picture for you; think of it as a map that helps you get out of your comfort zone tree house and into the filed of endless possibilities
  • Subchapter 3.2 liberates you from your perfectionistic tendencies (you know they’re there!) and gives you a self-compassion strategy that makes you ten times more likely to succeed at anything you decide to do.
  • Chapter 4 helps you bid farewell to misidentifications and drop all the labels that don’t support you like last year’s fashion.
  • Page 181 tells you what to let go of so that you can weather any storm like an elegant, dancing palm tree, rather than falling over like the stubborn, rigid oak tree.
  • Pages 181-193 take you through the 7 emotions that kill your vibe and keep you stuck in the gutter, and the one remedy to lift yourself up again
  • Chapter 5 is all about living your Truth—and it’s about time!
  • In Subchapter 5.1, we dive deep into the shadow, and instead of shaking up the skeletons, we emerge back into the light with a treasure: your no-longer-hidden infinite potential!
  • Subchapter 5.2 unlocks infinite abundance by unveiling the secrets of unapologetically owning your inherent value and graciously giving your unique gift to the world.
  • Page 231 reveals the reason you’re here on Earth right now—in case you’ve been wondering.
  • Chapter 6 invites you to experience the Life of your Dreams
  • Page 239 tells you where to find your Purpose.
  • Page 242 is about NOT setting SMART goals—and what to do instead if you want to see your Dreams come true
  • Pages 245-247 explain how to use the two key principles of Conscious Creation to bring to Life anything you desire (because if you desire it, you were destined to experience it)
  • Subchapter 6.2 gives you a radically different perspective of Love and empowers you—in a scientifically backed manner—to change the world by Being who You are and shining your light as brightly as you can.

Ultimately, that’s the Dream, isn’t it?

A space, a state, a world in which Magic is real, and anything is possible…

But let's get back to real talk with


You can never know what exactly might flip a switch for you, nudge you into a different awareness, or forever change your perception and turn your life around. It might be any of the things above, it might be none.

But I know this: A change is much more likely to happen if you actively invite it in.


You can’t just read a book and expect it to change your life.

For it to make a tangible impact on your reality, you have to do something about it.

Specifically, you have to take inspired action.

That’s a whimsical action that makes little sense to your rational mind and makes you feel uncomfortable in an excited sort of way—which are the reasons you never act on those impulses, and your life never changes.

So, to help you manifest the change you’ve been asking for, each part of this book comes with practical suggestions of things you can do and games you can play that will snap you right back into your true Self and make you feel things you haven’t felt in years.


Because those feelings transform you into whom you were destined to be.

1. Mind Your Vibration

Let the world bring you down, or be the one that lifts the world up? The choice is yours.

2. Choose Consciously

Is the choice you’re making aligned with the Life you want to live? If not, choose again.

3. Identify your Limitations

Are you aware of the lies that are holding you back? Overcome them in 5 simple steps.

4. Change Your Environment

Feeling courageous? I invite you to play the uncomfortable game that changed my life.

5. Follow Your Inner Knowing

Want more? I have another one… Even more uncomfortable, even more Magical. You in?

6. Let Go of the Weights

Anxious, sad, angry? Use The Wave technique to neutralize and let go of the yuck in minutes!

7. Embrace All of You

Do you know what truly makes you … You? Would you like to find out? Here’s how.

8. Give Your Gift

Would you be willing to make the day of everyone you cross paths with today? Do this.

9. Be the Love

Ask this one question to handle every situation with grace and Love… And live the Dream!

And that's not all...

There's a BONUS!

I can’t overstate the importance of you taking inspired, courageous action, but I also know figuring out your next step can be dauting, so I’m throwing in a little something extra with your book purchase:

A FREE audio training on how to stop waiting for your Dream to manifest.

6 Ways to Start Living the Dream NOW

 + 2 Manifestation Boosters Nobody Talks About

You'll to find out...
  • What most of us get wrong about livin’ the Dream, and the empowering truth that changes everything;
  • The 6 steps to take so that you no longer have to wait for your Dream to manifest and start living it TODAY, and
  • The two well-kept secrets that give you and your Dream the boost you’ve been needing to finally get unstuck.

Are you ready to break free from the lies

and start living the Dream?

This book is here to show you the Path...

And the added bonus training makes this purchase a no-brainer.


12 €

  • ascending the spiral E-BOOK

One last thing...

You might be thinking… What’s this obsession with you wanting to change my life? My life is just fine the way it is.

See, that! Your life is … fine?
Is that really what you came here for? To have a “fine” life?

If you’re willing to take it from someone whose life was more than “fine” by all “objective” standards—
you’re here to LIVE. Fully, unapologetically.

To embody the Dream that IS You.
To experience EVERYTHING your heart has ever desired—and so much more!
To have a heart so full your chest feels too small for it.
To float around with a smile on your face because you couldn’t wipe it off even if you wanted to.

Yes, even through the shitty times. Because when you’ve flipped that switch, you Know that everything is here
to serve you
, and every challenge is a step that takes you higher up this ever-expanding Spiral of Life.

And that Knowing empowers you to live your Dream.

Always, regardless of what Life throws your way. Truly.

And if you’re not willing to take it from me…
Take it from the part of you that’s screaming “Yes, pleeease, finally!” right now.

She Knows.



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